Legal Provider Identification:

VKF Renzel (Wuxi) Display System Ltd.
No. 30 Jinshan Sizhi Road
214037 Wuxi

Phone: +86 (0) 510 / 82 32 62 21
Fax: +86 (0) 510 / 82 32 12 21


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All text, photos and released information on this website are under the copy right of VKF Renzel, insofar as not under the copy right of third parties. In any case copies, distribution or communication in the public are only allowed when revocably and not negotiable approved by VKF Renzel.

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The content of this website is prepared with high diligence. However we cannot furnish a guarantee for actuality or completeness.

VKF Renzel is not responsible for the content of third party web pages we link to. External links were tested for illegal content and at the time the link was placed those were not recognizable. Regarding external links there is no responsibility for monitoring or controlling.